Short Summary Of The Short Story Mike

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Mike is the protagonist of the story. Mike is a boy in high school who is involved in lots of extra-curricular activities. He is also in almost every sport at his school. He has gotten multiple scholarships in three different sports. Mike’s dad looks like he could have been an athlete when he was younger. Mike also has some friends that he practices and trains with. His friends' names are Terrance and Cameron. Cameron is kind of tall but not as muscular as Mike. Terrance is the shortest of the boys who is the goofiest of the boys. Mike’s coach is like a second dad and treats him like one of his own children. The setting takes place in the neighborhood where Mike and his friends practice on their stamina. This is an important part of the story because it shows the dedication the boys have to the sports even when they are not in school. The story also takes place at the school Mike attends and at Mike’s house. It is important that the story takes place in Mike’s house because it shows that …show more content…

I want to reward you with something that you have been asking for.” Mike’s dad gives his son Mike a new cell phone. Mike’s eyes open up with excitement. He thanks his dad for the gift and says, “I will keep up the good work.” The very next day Mike’s friends ask him if he wants to train Mike says, “No, I will catch you tomorrow.” A week goes by with Mike not practicing a day since he has gotten his new phone. Soon collages start to call him and they say they want to see him at practice. Mike does horrible in practice and his coach tells him after practice that the colleges are having second thoughts on giving I’m a scholarship. Mike then goes home with his dad and he asks his dad, “Why am I in this slump dad.” His dad says, “You are addicted to that phone.” Mike gets offensive and is mad at his dad for telling the

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