Short Story Just Lather That's All

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In the short story “Just Lather, That’s All” by Hernando Tellez, the barber says little yet he is shown to be a complex character. The story is about the owner of a male haircut place. The male hair stylist has secretly become an informant for a band of rebels. When a violent/difficult military captain asks for a shave, the barber must decide whether to kill the captain or let him go. In the end, he decides he doesn't want blood on his hands. The barber is clever, patient and caring. First of all the barber is clever. While he does the shave, the barber acts really clever, because he doesn't act scared when captain Torres comes in a for a shave because he knows it will make him suspicious.The barber also shows cleverness when he figures out that he can kill the captain without him noticing. The barber knows he can kill the captain with the razor because he is really experienced …show more content…

He really thinks through his decision, about killing captain Torres. He considers the advantages but also the consequences . He also shows patience when he’s shaving the captain because he takes his time, and tries not to cut his skin. The barber patiently listens to what the captain has to say, and he also tries to ask the captain how many rebels he caught, “How many did you catch?" I asked. Therefore, these points show the barbers patience with the captain. Lastly, the barber is caring. He cares about his customers and gives them his best service. The barber cares about what the captain has to say because it points out what he's planning to do with the Rebels . He really cares about his personal character and decides not to kill him, because then there would be no difference in the captain and himself, “You came to me for a shave. And I perform my work honorably. . . . I don't want blood on my hands. Just lather, that's all”. Therefore, the barber is a caring person, who cares about the rebels and his personal

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