Short Story: A Fictional Narrative

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Kurt just sat there for a moment before he asked if she was alright. He knew that she would answer with “I’m fine,” but he asked in hopes that she would just answer him honestly for once. Every night, he heard her crying herself to sleep. He knew that she was trying to be silent, but he had grown so accustomed to silence that even her small noises seems like thunderclaps. The countertenor new how she felt about him and Blaine inviting her to stay with them, but despite what she thought, the two boys actually enjoyed it a lot. Kurt had always been an only child, and when he lost his mom, he had wanted someone just to be there for him so bad. Now, seeing someone in his life that had just gone through the very same experience, he wanted to be …show more content…

The two were very happy to have her around, and there families were both very accommodating for her. He was snapped out of his thoughts by her quiet voice. “I’m fine…” She spoke as she wiped her tears away and looked at him. “Buuuut…” Kurt prompted. “But thank you…” Blue eyes widened as Kurt heard what she said. Maybe he really did have a chance for her to be warming up to him. He smiled softly and wiped off a stray term with his sleeve. “It’s all right to let it all out Ana..” He spoke as his own eyes misted over. “I know how hard it is to take in.” Even though it had been so many years since his mother had died, Kurt had never really been able to accept the fact that she was really dead. She was really gone. There were the times that he could have sworn that she was there only a few days telling him that she would always be there for him. A few tears leaked out of his own eyes before he really turned back to Ana. She was just sitting there silently watching him and smiling sadly. Her hand went to his arm as she rubbed it gently and nodded. For a while, the two just sat in silence as they both silently …show more content…

“Will you sing with me?” Ana’s brown eyes filled with water as he played the opening notes of Piano Man by Billy Joel. She had told him that the song was the couple’s theme song. Kurt started to sing softly as he watched Ana mouth the words. “It’s nine o’clock on a Saturday…” After a few more lyrics, Ana had joined in. “…. Sitting next to me, Making love to his gin.” The two made it most of the way through the chorus before Ana finally burt out into tears again. She knew he was only trying to help, but it still brought back some painful memories. The girl felt Kurt wrap his arms wrap around her once more, and this time, she didn’t even bother to try to push him away. Kurt couldn’t help bit feel a little bit better when she wrapped her own arms back around him. All he could do was sit there as he held her tightly to him. His own emotions were welling up as he thought more and more of his mother. It wasn’t long before he felt his own tears roll down his face and onto the top of Ana’s head. The two of them just sat there for a while. It wasn’t until the bell rang loud and clear that Kurt even loosened his grip on the girl. He didn’t say anything on how he could feel every single one of her

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