Shiloh By Bobbie Ann Mason

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The analysis of Norma Jean in the short story Shiloh written by Bobbie Ann Mason. The short story is taken place in the mid to late 1900s. This story talks about a marriage falling apart. All the heartache and growing pains the couple must face. In the story, the women Norma Jean strength and courage is inspiring to me. The couple is switching gender roles in the process their marriage is falling into pieces. Norma Jean is a strong, independent, faithful women while her husband Leroy leans on her for strength and guidance; she continues to take night classes and hold a steady full-time job in an attempt to become a new woman.
All of Norma Jean's qualities in her personality are inspiring. Throughout the book, she is noticed lifting weights …show more content…

When a woman goes through losing a child, it is one of the most unbearable pains. It took a lot of strength to build herself back up from losing her child. Mabel Beasley is her mother she blames Norma Jean and Leroy for Randy’s death. Mabel comes to her house quite often and checks to see how clean her house is. She is always on Norma Jean toes. Mabel says some ugly things to Norma Jean and Leroy, but Norma Jean is still the bigger person and turns her cheek. It shows the bigger side of Norma Jean that her tolerance is as big as her personality! While Leroy stays at home and does not help out around the house or even to look for a job, is the most frustrating thing. Norma Jean wakes up every day to go to work and watches her husband lay around the house all day every day! She does not complain once or ever in …show more content…

As everyone says, you can only push someone so hard until they give up on you. It is very inspiring to me that Norma Jean puts up with Leroy for as long as she does. Leroy wants to build a log cabin for them to live in and Norma Jean does not wish to. She is apparently getting annoyed and tired of him. She straight up lets him now all the laws and regulations against the log cabin. The log cabin is a metaphor of their relationship. He states that he would need her strength to build the cabin. Apparently, he will need her financial support because he has no income. It is indicating their relationship problems he is pushing Norma Jean to put all the work in while he does nothing! Leroy is not acknowledging the big issue in their

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