Sherlock Holmes Knife Edge Mystery

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Sherlock Holmes Knife Edge is a book by Andrew lane, the book is 352 pages long. The genre of Knifes Edge is Mystery. A review of the book is " The mysteries keep coming, I love them." The recommended reading age is teens and adults, The book is set at the reading lvl of most teens and the book is mystery which interest both adults and teens.

Sherlock Holmes is the main charter of the book. Sherlock is always looking for a mystery and how to solve it. Sherlock loves to find mystery's and solve them if he can't solve them it feels like a itch that he cannot itch. Sherlock Holmes is a fit young man with blues eyes and long hair. The setting is in 1800's and is located in Ireland.

Sherlock is on a boat going to Ireland to get off then head to England. When he gets to the port he sees his brother then his brother is takes him to a …show more content…

When they get there the psychic says there having a meeting tonight to see his powers. During the meeting Sherlock does not see anything noting, that he is lieing. Sherlock looks around the castle the next day to find things relating to the meeting Sherlock find out how it was done and busts the psychic. Sherlock also finds random shoes in the basement. The psychic claims that he is sick and that he will feel better in a weeks time and he will show them his real powers. During the next week the owner of the castles daughter tells him the myth of the dark beast that roams the beach and stays in the caves along the beach. The next week when they meet, this meet seems more like there is no way they could fake it they go through a bunch of steps to show his powers. Sherlock can't seem to find anything saying he is faking, but he knows something is staged so Sherlock goes for a walk and remembers this tower he saw off in the distance when he came to the castle, so he goes to the tower and finds something suspicious, so he climbs the tower and finds the dead body of the

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