Sheila Monologue

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Four thirty-nine, the time stopped and so did she. Death came to Sheila with slow rattling gasps, the same way our father was taken year’s before in World War One. Her breathing would stop from time only to re-emerge. A few moments later she passed on, her earthly tether separated and her soul bound for the lord. My sister was sitting right beside me – talking about her ambitions and plans for the future. Then suddenly she is gone; eyes frozen and filled with fear. Death is not immortality, it is merely a departure from life. It is inevitable it cannot be avoided nor should it be feared. She was taken from this earth at the age of 32; she had so much life left to live. Let’s not dwell on our significant loss, but instead focus on paying tribute …show more content…

But as time passed, she slowly began to become more independent and voice her opinions. As an adolescent, Sheila was the type of girl who only wanted to do something if it benefited her. She would never go out of her way to help others. Sheila was narcissistic, brutally honest and cantankerous; she was not well liked because of it. There is one vivid memory that I have of Sheila; we were walking to the butcher and there was an elderly lady struggling to cross the road, she asked sheila for assistance; Shelia selfishly continued walking to the butcher, failing to help the lady. I was in utter disbelief, I couldn’t believe she would do something like that. After that day I knew the Sheila needed a wakeup call, and that is exactly what she got. One evening in 1912, a mysterious person came to her; and after that she was never the same again. From that day forth, Sheila was a changed woman. She came to the conclusion that in order to have an effect on society, she must change herself. Sheila would go out of her way to help others, even if it did not benefit her. Her eyes were filled with a kindness that seemed so innocent and genuine. As she progressively started to become well-liked in the community, they started to look to her for guidance. Her smile comforted others around her. It shined like the stars in the sky, with no bright city lights to dim them. It was as if the sun opened its eager light to shine about her. The kindness she received from others motivated her to do

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