She Screwed Lovett The Diamond Analysis

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She Screwed Lovett Over Royally: The Diamond & Her Death
You would think Lovett sunk the Titanic himself, the way Rose makes him pay for indulging her. She shows up on his research vessel with oodles of luggage, her goldfish and puppy, like she's moving in. She then tells this long, depressing tale with matters largely irrelevant to his cause. She deliberately hides the fact that she has the Heart of the Ocean, just to nonchalantly throw it overboard. To add insult to injury, she seemingly dies in her sleeping quarters. Not only did Lovett go empty-handed, he had to deal with a corpse and personal affects in the middle of the Atlantic. Again, *Stephanie Tanner voice* How rude!

Flinging that diamond was just plain mean. Rose evidently didn't have use for it, so why toss it and not give it to Lovett? Why keep it for decades in the first place? According to the horrible, Velveeta cheesy alternate ending, Rose wanted to put the jewel "back where it belongs" and teach Lovett a lesson about materialism. She mentions she never sold it because it made her think of Cal, and "somehow, she made it without his help." What bull crap. All that traveling she did, and she never made it back to the Atlantic? If the rock "belonged" …show more content…

She comforted Rose when Cal flipped a table and shouted in her face for spending time with Jack. Underestimating the emergency notice to put on life-vests and head to the deck, Ruth sends Trudy back to their stateroom to turn on the heater. Rose saw the iceberg and knows first-hand that danger looms, but she lets this happen. Seconds later, she gets confirmation from Andrews that Titanic will completely sink, but she doesn't go back for Trudy. She proceeds to the deck, where Ruth safely embarks on a lifeboat. Rose forfeits her seat to find Jack. Trudy meets her fate when the ship tilts and she slides down the floor. She would've been alive and sitting next to Ruth if Rose had said

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