She Is Bad For You Essay

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Rationale This written task links to part 2 of the course - Language and Media. The open letter is written from the voice of Xena Verdis, a struggling model who is angry at the society-required beauty standards for the job. This makes the letter more personal to its audience as young women these days act upon the idea of thinspiration and other negativities endorsed through various media outlets. To strengthen my arguments and advices, I have chosen Ted talks by Jean Kilbourne on ‘the dangerous ways ads see women’ and by Meagan Ramsey on ‘why thinking you’re ugly is bad for you’, statistics on American Eagle after making changes to its photo shopping techniques and a fat shaming blog-post titled ‘Kate Upton is Well Marbled’ as my primary texts. The audience of the letter is the female demographic aged 13-30, because more than 95% of women with eating disorders lie within this age group and are very beauty conscious. The letter would be published in the Vogue magazine because most of the women aged 13-30, who are trendy and beauty sentient read the magazine. This helps in conveying the purpose, which is to change the ways in …show more content…

Indeed, I feel gorgeous already for many national and global endeavors have already started to take an action against this. The campaign #truthinads is one amongst them, where many apparel makers and brands have pledged to not Photoshop their models in their inventories. One such famous brand is American Eagle, that followed this trend only to discover their sales growing massively after the pledge. And if this yet does not encourage the media outlets out there to stop using our sex to sell their products, I guess it is time for you to stop buying such mindless ideas from the society and the products that such high-quality brands have to offer to us. Because, since when did beauty become a goal for you that can be achieved by spending more

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