She Calls Me Mommy

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I have a name, it is not my given name but it carries with it great pride and love, to some it means nothing, to me it's a gift and an ongoing accomplishment, my name is mommy. Before I was a parent I did not understand how being a parent could be work, babies do nothing but sleep, toddlers just draw, then when they are a little older you shove them off to school and teenagers are never home. Piece of cake, right? Of course, now being a parent I realize that I never truly understood what the word busy meant and that "Nothing was true about me until now" (Versulys). I once would take hours primping myself before I graced the world with my presence, not a hair out of place, make-up on just right, changing at least five times before I decided which outfit complimented me the best. I would go out with friends to the bar, parties, talk about the latest gossip working its way through the rumor mill, constantly checking my appearance "just incase." Now on the other hand, my childless friends (the rarities that I see them anymore) say to me that I'm missing out on life, that I always look like I just woke up, and I always look like I'm in a hurry. I look at them and just smile, because they don't realize how much they are missing out on life. Being a parent changes your perspective on everything, it takes your whole world and flips it upside down. But what you don't first realize is that what it's actually doing is making the pieces fit into the right spots, instead of where you tried to make them fit before, and it fills up gaps you didn't know that you had. I see the world in a whole new light in every area. I've realized that babies do and need much more than sleep, that skirts are not good to wear chasing a three year old but jeans are a wonderful invention, my best friend is a hair clip, that it only takes six minutes to put my hair up and put on just enough make-up to cover up that I haven't slept well in three years, quick trips to the corner store now take at least fifteen minutes, and there are no easy toys to put together.

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