Shaw's Pygmalion

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Shaw's Pygmalion Pygmalion can be classified as a comedy. The objects of the comedy centralize around the people, the ideas and the attitudes. The first humorous part of the play is with Mrs Eynsford-Hill and her daughter Clara waiting for Clara's brother Freddy to get them a taxi as it was pouring with rain. They get annoyed so Clara asks, 'do you expect us to go and get one ourselves?'. The audience/reader of this play finds this humorous because the Eynsford-Hills are stereotypical of middle class people who stick rigidly to their position in society. They appear fussy and pathetic due to their frustration at not being able to get a taxi. Therefore seeing how people act in certain situations and their different attitudes creates the humour. The next part of humour in this story line is when Eliza's (the flower girl) accent is introduced. It is the contrast between the Eynsford-Hills accent and Eliza's accent that makes the reader laugh as in the time when this play was first performs and written, around 1914, the audience would have been more used to hearing the Eynsford-Hills accent and so would have found Eliza's 'strange' accent very strange. For example: - The Flower Girl [Eliza]: Theres menners f'yer! Ta-oo banches o voylets trod into the mad. Mrs Higgins' 'At Home day' causes the audience, once again to see the Eynsford-Hills as humorous characters because of the way they stick rigidly to the etiquette that matches their social class position. The restricted topics of conversation such as health and weather makes the audience laugh because of the ridiculous restrictively of the conversation. The number of times 'how d... ... middle of paper ... ... nowadays, due to the ways in which ways of life have changed. Therefore what modern day audiences would think of as humorous in the play, the 1912/4 audience wouldn't have thought so, and vice versa. For example the audience in 1912/4 wouldn't have found the restricted conversation at Mrs Higgins' 'At Home day' amusing, whilst we, as a modern day audience, do find it amusing as we are not used to this way of life and the different sorts of etiquette. Although the themes such as the social class system are not as defined in modern day society however certain accents are still discriminated against, in today's society, and Received Pronunciation is still seen as the preferred way and the educated way of speaking. I feel that Pygmalion is still effective in presenting Shaw's ideas even though it is over 90 years old.

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