Shamhat And Gilgamesh Relationship Essay

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In the Epic of Gilgamesh and in the Iliad there were two relationships going on with two different meaning behind them. One relationship was based on lust and the other was based on love. As the epic begins in Gilgamesh you notice Enkidu and Shamhat relationship, the reader could already see how that relationship could become problematic in the end. In the Iliad the reader read about Achilles and Briseis relationship, which was a little different from Enkidu and Shamhat relationship. As the story progresses the reader will see some similarities and differences of each relationship. Also, they reader will see why one relationship is more problematic than the other.
In Gilgamesh the gods created a creature, Enkidu, to match Gilgamesh’s strength and to challenge his evil actions. When Enkidu came to earth, he lived alone in the wild with the animals and was a part of nature, as a representation of the gods. “Aruru wet her hands, she pinched off clay, she tossed it upon the steppe, she created valiant Enkidu in the steppe” (1.93-95). Gilgamesh heard of Enkidu existence and sent a harlot, Shamhat to seduce him. This is where Enkidu and Shamhat relationship differs from Achilles and Briseis their …show more content…

Achilles and Briseis have fallen in love with each other. Although, Briseis and Achilles were being to fallen in love she and Shamhat shared similar traits by using their body for sex. Achilles promised to marry Brisies when they returned back to Achilles home of Phthia. “You would not let me sorrow, but said you would make me godlike Achilles wedded lawful wife, that you would take me back to the ships to Phthia and formalize my marriage among Myrmidon” (19.287-300). This quote is an example of how Brisies showed her mutual love for Achilles. The love Brieis has for Achilles shows how different their relationship is from Enkidu and Shamhat

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