Sexism: The Short Definition Of Feminism

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Sexism is categorized by typically one party although both men and womne both share the seixsm.. Short Definition: Sexism is discrimination based on attitudes and gender, stereotypes, and the elements of culture that contribute to the discrimination. The historical ,and till this day, continued uneven amount of power, where men are often classified as more privileged over women as a class. An important part of the term is that sexism is actually prejudice plus power. Feminists reject the fact that women can be sexist towards the men because women lack the power that men have.
The Feminist deftion of sexsim is Prejudice+ Power, some might say that's a little sexist. Let me explanation about why is power put into play in sexism. Obviously power …show more content…

These common approaches to gender difference are known as “hostile sexism”. Most people understand what hostisle sexism is catergorized with seixsm itslef. The thing that's harder for people to comprehend as a sexist practice are ones that seem to put women in the more positive light. Those beliefs are called “benevolent sexism”. In some ways beneolent seixsm is more malicious than hostile sexism. Hositle seixsm is regularly reagonzied (thought not always) recognized as such. “Although benevolent sexism may sound oxymoronic, this term recognizes that some forms of sexism are, for the perpetrator, subjectively benevolent, characterizing women as pure creatures who ought to be protected, supported, and adored and whose love is necessary to make a man complete...This idealization of women simultaneously implies that they are weak and best suited for conventional gender roles.. Despite the greater social acceptability of benevolent sexism, research suggests that it serves as a crucial complement to hostile sexism that helps to pacify women’s resistance to societal gender inequality” With benevolent sexisn, its not seen entierly as sexism but instead a “logical” expression of being female or male. If you add on the to the facts that many practices and beliefs for benevolent sexism does work out positively for women whose

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