Sex Education in School

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Sex is something that almost everyone will experience before they die. It is a subject that has been debated about for years. From the debate over birth control to the outbreak of aids. With all this history behind us, sex is becoming even more of an issue. With the new outbreaks of sexually transmitted diseases and the fact that sexually active persons are becoming younger, sex has now become a daily topic. Sex scandals in the media and talk such as 'who slept with who at last night's keg party' are making these daily conversations apparent in high schools, middle schools, and in a lot of cases grade schools. As the saying goes 'monkey see monkey do' one can only assume that this concept will pertain to these easily influenced children. That is why it is imperative that another side of this issue is presented on a regular basis, a side that demonstrates safe sex as well as no sex. Sex is a basic instinct in all-living beings; sex education in Georgia public schools should encourage abstinence because it is the only sure way to prevent pregnancy and disease, but not dismiss protective measures for those who become sexually active, because no matter much you emphasize abstinence, there will always be those who choose to participate in sexual activity.

Sex is a basic instinct in all-living beings. Men and women were intended to fall in love and he gave us all a sex drive so that we could become one with that person. Whether people choose to be sexually active or remain abstinent, there is always a desire for sex in most males and females. In our culture, young people?s natural sexual instincts are stimulated by exposure to sexual messages. Because so many young people in our society are exposed things that portray ?sex appeal? their natural curiosities are brought out, they are exposed to sexual stimuli early and often. The media has a huge influence in stimulating the drive for sex in people. Many ads use sex to appeal to the public. For example, Calvin Klein uses beautiful men and women, usually dressed provocatively, portraying them in a seductive way to sell fragrances and clothing items. These ads are successful because a huge majority of the people who see these ads want to be seen as sexually desirable and attractive to the opposite sex, they are responding to a natural feeling. There are also many commercials for things such as beauty pr...

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...ansmitted diseases today are overwhelming, in order for this to be prevented someone has to take the responsibility to teach our youth how to protect themselves. According to the article making love in the dark ?an estimated four out of five heterosexual women don?t even use condoms every time they have intercourse. This compromises women?s health enormously ( Bonavoglia 58) There is no reason that a young person?s health should be compromised because the lack of education on how to protect themselves. It should be the responsibility of our schools to protect them from these dangers because it is imperative that they are aware and make the right decisions.

Because sex is so prevalent in our society today, the issue must be addressed instead of merely ignored. Children approaching adulthood and reaching the age were they must make decisions about their sexuality need to be aware of the repercussions that might go along with the decisions they choose. Georgia public schools should strongly consider teaching a program to their students that encourages them to remain abstinent but also teaches them about ways they can protect themselves if they choose to become sexually active.

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