Sex And Gender Reflection Paper

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The PowerPoint presentation for Unit 3 discussed sex and gender, gender stereotypes and explored terms like transgender and transsexuals. Some generations ago, it was commonplace for men to be the head of the household and the sole breadwinners. Women were expected to cook, clean, look after the children and have a hot, homemade supper ready for their husbands when they came home from work. In today’s society, these standards are not so stringently adhered to. Women can be just as competitive as men in many facets of life and many men are content to be “Mr. Mom”. I also chose to discuss the article “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack”. Peggy McIntosh, the author of the article states that white privilege is alive and well in today’s society despite the fact that people in the United States do not think they are racist because they were “taught to recognize racism only as an individual acts of meanness of members of my group, never in invisible systems conferring unsought racial dominance on my group from birth”. We …show more content…

I have a better understanding that gender is not determined by sex and I have more insight into some of the terms like transgender and binary sex. I particularly like the fact that we are free to challenge heteronormality and one example of that is the fact that there has been a steady increase in the amount of Canada’s female engineering students.
Overall we live in a nation that allows us to choose freely and live openly. People like Nellie McClung, who fought for social reform for women, was one of many individuals who helped bring us to where we are today. Conversely, I believe, however, that white privilege plays a role even in Canada as we have many more options available to us as compared to our First Nations peoples. Things like healthcare and living conditions are some prime

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