Serial Season Character Analysis Essay

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In the podcast of Serial season one I will be focusing on two characters that are Adnan and Jay. The conflict that Adnan is going through is what Jay is saying to jury and judge. And how the Jury ends up siding with Jay even with the lack of evidence they have about the murder of Hae Lee. This conflict affects both my characters by having Adnan sent to prison for life and had Jay walk free but just has to do a little bit of community services hours. Adnan conflict with Jay teaches the reader how difficult it is to know who is telling the truth through the lack of information the detectives gather from Hae Lee murder case. The first reason why Adnan and Jay have a this conflict is because that Adnan is saying he doesn't remember what he did that day because it was just a normal day for him. The cops are not taking his word on his statement. On the other hand Jay is telling cops one story one day and then other story on another day. Trainum who got interviewed for this podcast says “The inconsistencies in Jay’s statements that the cops are catching him in, Trainum says, cops are used to that (Trainum 8)”. In other words, Trainum believes that the cops see and acknowledges the inconsistencies in Jay statements about what happened that day but they just feel that it's normal and …show more content…

Adnan needed the help of his family to find one. Gutierrez states and says this when talking to Jay on the stand and tells her that Mr. Urick help him find a lawyer “Mr. Urick?! The prosecutor in this case helped provide you a lawyer (Gutierrez 10) “?! Gutierrez recognize that Mr. Urick the prosecutor help provide Jay with a lawyer which this is not right and should never happen. Gutierrez felt that this evidence would be good enough to the point where people would be able to see that Jay may be getting help from this case from everyone which is not

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