Serial Killers Essay

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“A serial killer is someone who murders 3 or more people over a period of over 30 days, this person's motivation has to do with his psychological state of mind.” Despise superstitions a good or bad childhood can lead someone to be a serial killer. Raised as a privileged kid, H.H.Holmes went to college and studied to be a doctor. Something that happened at that school might have influenced him, and led to the building of the murder castle in Chicago. ( H.H.Holmes born Herman Webster Mudgett, grew up in New Hampshire. He was a privileged child. He had always had an interest in medicine, and used to do plastic surgery on animals. He went to medical school where he met a janitor who was the head of a dead body trade. After college he continued the trade and sold the insides of the bodies to hospitals and schools, he would burn the remains he didn’t sell. It was not proven if he had a psychological disorder or not. What is a psychological disorder? “Psychological disorders, also referred to as mental disorders, are abnormalities of the mind that result in persistent behavior patterns that can seriously affect your day-to-day function and life.” There are many ways to help a mental illness, but there is no way to fully cure it. Most people go to a treatment center to try to help control unhealthy urges, or they might go to a therapist for several days a week. They have to be willing to try to stop these urges, if not they will continue to go on and can lead to greater things such as them physically harming someone. Most people who become serial killers have some type of psychological disorder. Other possibilities would be a bad childhood that raised an anger tow... ... middle of paper ... who is looking for control. It might not be the childhood that turns someone into a serial killer. It could be the teenage years, when it gets harder to fit in. A psychological order does not just appear when the person has been through something. It has been there since they were born. Making sure that the mental disorder is under control means going to get help early on when the brain is still developing. Like H.H.Holmes for example he had a very privileged childhood.He grew up normal and went to medical school, but had been influenced wrongly during college which led him to do what he did. Considering the times there might not have been enough knowledge on mental disorders that it was hard for them to see when someone had a mental disorder. Also not knowing how to help the disorder, they had not had the medications we have today to help control the disorders.

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