Sergeant Dakota Meyer Thesis

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Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient Sergeant Dakota Meyers is an inspiration to not only marines like myself but to service members of all branches. Sergeant Meyer not only showed heroic actions in the Kunar Province, Afghanistan but, by answering the nations call when we needed service members to protect our borders from terrorism. Sergeant Meyers showed unwavering devotion to his country in the face of almost certain death by his courage and bravery, and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service. As a nation if we come together to face the problems at hand through bravery and courage we could conquer any problem we face. Dakota Meyer was embedded with Second Battalion, Eighth Marines during September 8, 2009 when heroically rescued fallen Marines and Afghan soldiers during the Battle of Ganjgal. These Marines and soldiers were ambushed and cut off by …show more content…

We came to the topic of Sergeant Meyer while having a guided discussion which was preparing myself and my peers for the hardships of recruit training. Being recent high school graduates, it was difficult at the time to try and process the weight of sacrifice we made to serve out country. However, like our predecessors, we were willing to do whatever it took to defend our nation. As a Marine now I am still inspired by individuals like Dakota Meyer and the numerous other Medal of Honor recipients, who were willing to or did sacrifice their lives for their country. I feel that more American people should be aware of the sacrifices that were made to keep their families safe and free from terror. Terror can be seen anywhere not just on the battlefields of faraway wars. I feel that Americans are now more than ever scared to walk their streets due to the increasing amount of racial injustice and criminal actions that citizens are performing against each

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