Sense Of Self And Individuality In The Namesake By Jhumpa Lahiri

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Throughout life, it is important for individuals to obtain their own sense of self and individuality. Jhumpa Lahiri narrates a story of this young man, Gogol, who is caught between two worlds, through her novel The Namesake. Through the progress of the novel, Gogol comes to terms with his multicultural and complicated identity. Gogol’s struggle with his identity is the focus for the novel, and his name becomes a symbol for this difficulty. Gogol grows up never understanding the significance of his name and grows up hating it. By choosing one name over the other, Gogol decides to define himself under a different self. And last but not least, the narrative depicts Gogol's fractured identity as he tries to disassociate himself from both his family and his cultural heritage to forget his own self. Gogol grows up never understanding the significance of his name and grows up hating it. The name that eventually defines a being's individuality becomes a burden for him. Gogol’s name does not give him an identity but puts him in a dilemma about his original identity. From the start, Gogol tries to evade others’ efforts to choose his name for him. On Gogol’s first day of Kindergarten, keeping tradition, Gogol’s parents try to assign him the “good name” Nikhil. Even though Gogol knows “his parents want him to have another name,” Gogol “shakes his head” when asked if he wants to be called Nikhil (59). Notwithstanding his parents’ desires, Gogol, an otherwise submissive child, attempts to take control of his identity in the only way that he can: his name. During his time at school, Gogol comes to realize that his name separates him from his classmates. When substitute teachers arrive at his name on the roster, they "always pause," forcing Gog... ... middle of paper ... ...himself from the customs and culture with which he was raised, Gogol forges himself to like and put up with things that he would not have otherwise liked. Gogol’s struggle with his identity is the focus for the novel. Jhumpa Lahiri narrates us a story of this young man, Gogol, who is caught between two worlds, through her novel The Namesake. Through the progress of the novel, Gogol comes to terms with his multicultural and complicated identity. Gogol grows up never understanding the significance of his name and grows up hating it. By choosing one name over the other, Gogol decides to define himself under a different self. And last but not least, the narrative depicts Gogol's fractured identity as he tries to disassociate himself from both his family and his cultural heritage to forge his own self. A person’s identity is the most valuable possession one could have.

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