Sensation And Perception Research Paper

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Name_____________________________________ Student # ___________

Sensation and Perception

Task A. Answer three (3) of the following learning objectives (~300 words) 1. Describe how humans sense the environment? Explain the process of transduction. A sense is a physiological ability of organisms that supply information for perception. Human receive stimulus energy from the external environment through the sensation process. Sensory receptor is found in sense organ which detect stimulus energy. They sense physical energy and decode physical stimulation into neural signals. Sight (opthalmoception),hearing (audioception), taste (gustaoception), smell (olfacoception) and touch (tactioception) are the five usually recognized senses.
Transduction is the process …show more content…

Explain how light wavelengths are transformed in vision and the perception of colour

4. Explain the difference between the sensation of pain and the perception of pain.

The word pain is used to explain a broad range of unpleasant sensory and emotional experiences connected with definite or potential tissue damage. It is caused by the commencement of Nociceptors by chemical, thermal, automatic, or other stimuli. Pain is a warning sign that we cannot ignore. It is an significant function for survival. Pain can travel in two different pathways. Fast pathway identify sharp pain and send the information to the cortex. Slow pathways sends the information through the limbic system (aching, burning)
Pain perception is difficult to determine someone's pain in comparison with another person's since pain perception fluctuate significantly one from person to the next. Pain perception may vary based on factors such as emotion, expectation, personality, mood etc.

Task B1: Online activity with specific questions to be answered (~200 words)

● List and explain the six Gestalt laws- for each law, provide a pictorial (real life) example of each (can include advertising symbols and neon lights

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