Sennacherib's Army In The Hebrew Bible

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The Palace Wall carving depicts an image of the ancient Assyrian warriors of Sennacherib’s army invading Lachish an ancient Judean city in 701 BCE. The carving was made to show the military records of the ancient western world. It was made a year after the war was happening and it shows some soldiers shooting bows at a castle-like structure. There are some documents that describe the attacks on Lachish and come from the Sennacherib Prism, a document written in cuneiform in 701 BCE. It describes how Sennacherib’s army attacked the Judean city and what they did with the citizens of the city. Another document that describes the accounts of the war is the Book of Kings in the Hebrew Bible. This document was written by many different people and in different times ranging from 680 BCE to 500 BCE, a while after the war. Both documents describe some details, some true some not, of the invasion. They share the same Ancient Assyrian invasion of Lachish but they go about describing it in different ways. …show more content…

Sennacherib Prism was written in 701 BCE, which is a year after the invasion. On the other hand, the Book of Kings isn’t written until at least 680 BCE, which is 20 years after the invasion. The Book of Kings is written by many different people, which could cause a difference in details of the invasion. The introduction of the Book of Kings excerpt also says: “Historians also point out that it mixes history, folktales, myths, and religious miracles” (Document B: The Book of Kings). This also may make some details of the siege false and turn the actual accounts into different ones. Although the Hebrew Bible is a religious book, it is a somewhat reliable source when it comes to the ancient world. It provides some knowledge that is useful to archaeological records but it also intertwines some myths and miracles that might not have

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