Senior Spring Project Essay

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A Journey to Amelioration The primary theme of my Senior Spring Project will be self-improvement. While I have been happy with my time in High School so far, I definitely have a lot of maturing to do before I will be ready for College. My intention throughout the project is to mature both mentally and physically. In order to mature mentally, I’ve decided to not drop two of my more difficult classes. While it would be easy for me to relax academically during the spring, that will not leave me in a good position for college. Instead, I will continue my studies in Computer Science and Calculus, two classes which will likely form the foundation of the Computer Engineering degree I hope to achieve. Both Ms. Pendergast and Mr. Rollinson are extremely accomplished in their respective fields, and have done a phenomenal job of keeping me focused so far this year. In addition, I will be participating in the senior show this spring. This is an activity far outside my comfort zone, which I hope will allow me to gain more confidence in the performing arts. However, mental maturation is not the only goal I have for my Senior Spring. I will leave BB&N with a relatively accomplished career as an athlete, but in order to compete at the next level, there is still a lot I need to do. Most of what I have accomplished up to this …show more content…

It explores the themes of leadership and training by following a new recruit in a possible, space-oriented future. While it doesn’t directly relate to my life, it does an excellent job of touching on the themes that I want my SSP to exemplify. He is transported from Earth having never experienced space before and has to adapt to a new life. The transition to college isn’t quite as drastic, but the adapting process is quite similar. In addition I tend to be a fast reader, and it is quite a long series, so if I finish it too soon, there will be a lot more material for me to work

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