Selfishness In Shel Silverstein's 'The Giving Tree'

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Do you think that some people are selfish enough to take everything? In the book it seems that some people in the world are selfish and others are very giving or selfless. In the Giving Tree the boy keeps coming back for more and more, and the tree would give and give. Last, when the boy got supplies he wouldn't stay to make the tree happy. In The Giving Tree, Shel Silverstein uses selfishness and givingness to explain the tree’s relationship with the boy.
So many people can be so selfish. In The Giving Tree, the boy keeps coming back for more and more. He takes whatever he can to make himself happy not others. He takes everything from the tree not worrying that he is hurting the tree. The boy asked the tree for money and the tree gave him apples to sell on the highway. The boy took the apples leaving the tree and not returning for a while until he needed the tree’s branches to make a house for himself. Some people are selfish isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact. You can easily tell that the boy is the most selfish person i have seen. He was looked after by the tree and now he is taking from the tree. Some people are so selfish, like the boy, but some people are so giving enough to help the people. …show more content…

In the giving tree, the tree is so selfless that every time the boy comes back he will give him something just to make him happy. When the boy said he needed money the tree gave him all his apples to sell. After the boy came back years later and he needed a house, the tree gave him his branches to make the boy happy. The boy came back years later and he didn't even acknowledge the tree and he asked the tree for a boat so he could get away from life. Some people are very generous, so generous that they would give everything just to make everybody happy. So basically the people that are so selfish get there selfishness from the people that are so

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