Self Rule Dbq

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With the organization of new countries or nation-states, there are many hurdles in the way to success. In America from 1776-1801, a change in the way Americans identify themselves. They started to develop their own new personal social interaction as a nation. Politically, the United States was different from the get-go. The original colonies had developed the belief in self-rule, which leads to the ideals of using a republic system. Since the creation of the colonies, agriculture had been the basis of its economy. All of these come together to form a new type of nation-states with the struggles of being the first. Right after the American Revolution, a large portion of the population still thought of itself as being British, and accepted British rule. After a while this fades away. Once the Americans won the war they became a new nation. This sense of nationalism had expanded the range of who someone could be. They didn’t have to keep true to the old British traditions, they could do what they want. By 1801, they had started and continued the traditions that they had developed. In taverns and coffee shops around the Nation, people talked and socialized on everything from …show more content…

From the founding of the American colonies by the British, They had practiced salutary neglect. They allowed the colonist to become use to the idea of self-rule. This lasted through to the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constriction. Although there was fighting between the Large-state plan and the small state plan, they compromised to a two house legislative branch. The formation of a new government like this can be challenging, but through compromises like this they made it work. They need a government that is strong enough to keep the union but not too strong that it is tyrannical. But with the development of checks and balances they add a self-limiting power to the

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