Self Reflection Essay

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How has theatre helped me grow? I joined theatre to experience something new, to explore a new concept and grow as a person. I have learned to speak louder, memorize more, improvise a scene, and learn about the life and incredible works of William Shakespeare. Joining such an organized, wholesome organization is starting to feel like a good idea!

So far, learning to act has been the most authentic, entertaining experience this semester. During this, I had to perform, and commit to memory a monologue, which I worked untiringly, and non-stop. Through this notion, I have overcome my stage fright, therefore giving me the strength to act with higher quality as a whole. I had the most fun this segment, for the fun, Friday were always enjoyable. …show more content…

During this, I had to perform, and commit to memory a monologue, which I worked untiringly, and non-stop. Through this notion, I have overcome my stage fright, therefore giving me the strength to act with higher quality as a whole. I had the most fun this segment, for the fun, Friday were always enjoyable. We played games that were functioned to teach us improvisation.

The Shakespeare unit was no doubt the most difficult unit for me. I attempted to learn an eighteen line monologue from Hamlet. My character was Gertrude, and I learned how to create a scansion. I also learned to broaden my vocabulary through my monologue, for most of the words had been difficult to grasp. I learned about the life, and works of Shakespeare, which was the most interesting part of me.

Over-all the entire semester has since been amazing and done wonders for me. I have learned many things, and I am so fortunate that I decided to join theatre when I did. I have had the most fun and worked the hardest in this class. This class has taught me many things beyond just acting. It has taught me to work hard, no matter how the grade will affect me, and work with others and their

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