Self Improvement Project

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My self-improvement project will be about improving my diet and being able to have a healthy lifestyle. I've always been an active person, but I've never really eaten so well. I would eat whatever I was craving at the moment. I've never thought about watching the way I ate because I wasn't the type of person to gain weight and get fat. I have a very fast metabolism. Even though I'm skinny it doesn't mean that the food I put in my body can't harm me in the long run. Having a good diet is crucial in having a healthy lifestyle. Diabetes and high blood pressure runs in my family and if I don’t take care of myself I can end up getting it. Many of my family members have had heart attacks and strokes due to not taking care of themselves right. Many of them are obese …show more content…

I asked Luis multiple questions including why he went into fitness, what type of foods do people have to eat, what vitamins and supplements do you have to take, what motivates him to stay healthy, etc. I was intrigued with the answers he gave me. “I was always a scrawny boy in highschool. I was constantly being picked on and my health wasn’t the greatest. I wanted to make a change in my life so I did” (Sandoval). He explained how in the beginning it was difficult. He had no clue what he was doing and had no clue where to start first. Luis told me he actually wanted to give up at one point because he felt so lost and confused. He said he had to motivate himself. He wanted to be healthy and fit and he didn’t want anything to stop him. He started doing his research on the type of foods you have to eat daily and what workouts he needed to do. He also started asking advice from other people to gain more knowledge. Now he said he’s in better shape than he has ever been in. He feels confident and healthy with his new lifestyle and he told me he wouldn't have it any other way. Luis gave me the motivation and encouragement I needed to continue on the right

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