Segregation In The Civil Rights Movement

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My husband, child, and I had moved to South Carolina In 1957. I divorced my racist husband after realizing that I wanted to be engaged in the Civil Rights Movement. I could not deal with the segregation in the South any longer. Even though the Civil War had officially abolished slavery in 1866, it didn’t end the heartless discrimination against blacks because they continued to endure the devastating effects of racism directly or indirectly, on a daily basis. My two friends and I worked very hard to fight the Jim Crow Laws since they enforced racial segregation. We participated in non-violent protests throughout the South. We believed it was an executed social system devised by the ruling class, which it was. My daughter’s school in South Carolina …show more content…

I remember being so happy after hearing about the mass imprisonment of Freedom Riders in Jackson, Mississippi because they were protesting what they believed in. They did this by boarding buses to rout out segregation in seating in violation of the Supreme Court order. On November 5th of 1968 I voted in the presidential election along with blacks because it was the first election after the Voting Rights Act passed! The government in the South tried many sneaky ways to prevent blacks from voting, through Jim Crow Laws. Even though blacks have been legally allowed to vote since the 15th amendment, it was not until one hundred years after that the Voting Rights Act was passed. The Civil Rights Act passed in 1964 along with the Voting Rights Act which passed in 1965. The Civil Rights Act helped humans of different races, colors, religions, sexes, and National origins to not be discriminated against. The Voting Rights Act was the beginning of the efforts to break the grip of state disenfranchisement. The Voting Rights Act abolished things like the poll tax, in order to be more fair when it came to blacks

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