Sedgwick's Etemology Of The Closet Theory

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Queer theory is a theory, which tries to stop the presence of identities and stereotypes, which cultivate a racist climate against sexual diversities. The new theory is based on data of feminist theories, which present the role of gender and gives responses about gender, sexuality and sexual desires. Also, for the authors of the queer texts, the main point is to explain how the language and speech are used to present that the construction of sexual identities is opposite to our era, as the identities are not stabile and cannot determine our social presence. It is also mentioned that all sexual behaviours are considered as social constructions and lead to a specific way of social interpretation. Finally, we can say that these studies must be modernized and not be based only on the texts of a specific …show more content…

Moreover, for queer theorists, "sexuality is a complex system of social codes and forces, forms of individual activities, institutional powers, which interact to form the ideas of normal and aberrant at any time, and which are then operated in the "natural" name, the "biological" and "providential” . One ofmost important authors which discussed the theme of sexual diversities and identities is Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. In her text “Epistemology of the Closet” argues that the language used in a paradoxical way the concept of sexuality, while in many cases can present the nature of the sexuality of evert person. She believes that is simplistic the distinction of sexuality of homosexual and heterosexual persons, because binary oppositions lead to a directed tackling of sexuality and create a false opinion. For Sedgwickit is important to use the language to deal with sexuality, and considers that speech has great power, because can give confrontational nature in various different forms of

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