Scientific Case In Favor of the Existence of God

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Though many people are of the opinion that science and religion contradict each other, they actually work together and closely examining modern science leads an inquisitive thinker to believe that there is most likely a God. Many Christians instantly discard the idea of evolution, but by keeping an open mind in how God can work, a Christian may discover that God works in unexpected ways and evolution may not be out of the question. After all, if God can use someone who persecuted and killed Christians to become one of those who spread the Gospel farthest, why couldn’t He use evolution, something Christians would think would go against the existence of God, to further His purpose?
The concept of behind evolution is that the universe tries to create more order, and things that are better suited for survival will survive and thrive. Variations of species that are more easily able to adapt are more likely to survive and reproduce thus increasing the population that has the adaptation. Eventually variations of species become species of their own and the cycle continues. Ronald L. Numbers points out that this change from lower order to higher order is also found in the Genesis creation story. First God created the heavens and the earth, then light and dark, then water and land, the sun and moon, vegetation, birds, fish, land animals, and finally humans. The chronological order of creation and the theory behind evolution is one and the same: take something that is not as sophisticated or highly developed, and enhance it to make it more advanced and suitable for survival than it was before.
Darwin himself postulated that some supernatural being created several plants and animals, from which the current species are derived from, that He cr...

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...plies the existence of God. The idea of intelligent design and how it relates to the earth is another strong piece of evidence. The earth has everything it needs to sustain life and if anything was taken out of the equation it would not work, much like the broken mousetrap that Behe spoke of. The earth is so complex that it could not possibly have come into existence by accident, as shown by William Paley and his analogy about running across a rock then a watch. Though science implies God, it would be impossible for science to prove God, since science primarily studies objects and ideas that we are capable of comprehending. God, being above our comprehension, shows himself in our thoughts, but much like the architect who cannot be a staircase in the home he design, does not directly show himself in creation, but rather shows His thoughts and ideas through creation.

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