Science will Never Reveal all the Secrets in the Universe

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Science is the effort to discover and increase human understanding of how physical reality works. Through various experiments, many scientific theories have been established and every day new theories are developed. Old theories are replaced by new ones, which are more accurate. For example, years ago, the earth was considered to be flat, then spherical, and now ellipsoid. Who knows what theory will come next - cubical or pyramidal earth? Just like a baby turns into an adult in a few years, the same way science has also progressed and according to me it is still in its teenage. There are many questions for which science has no answers until now.

Since antiquity, the investigation of the natural world had started. But the 16th and 17th century are regarded as the dawn of modern science as the Scientific Revolution had taken place then. This had given a great boost to science and it totally changed the lives of the people. I don’t think that scientific knowledge can ever stop growing. The development of one theory leads to the development of another theory, which will thereby lead ...

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