Science: Why Stop Now?

1959 Words4 Pages

Science: Why Stop Now?

Science is a wondrous thing that has enabled human beings to do many things that our ancestors would have only dreamt of. In today's world we are able to talk to people we have never met, all over the world, via the Internet. We can fly to other planets, cure horrible diseases, and human life span. The list goes far beyond what I have mentioned here, and I see no reason why it should not extend even further into our future.Some people however, believe that we stop exploring that there should be limits on how much we should learn. My answer to this is, why? Why would we want to put limits on what we learn or discover? There have been so many great discoveries over the past 100 years, that it makes sense that there could be many more in our future.

In J. Michael Bishop's essay, Enemies of Promise, he talks about why some people are resistant to science. He states " Resistance to science is born of fear. Fear, in turn, is bred by ignorance. And it is ignorance that is our deepest malady"(260). It is human nature to fear what yodo not understand, so it makes sense that people are afraid of science. However, should we stop forging ahead simply because the masses so not understand what is going on? Scientists understand what they are doing, so isn't that what is most important? Scientists spend years going to school, getting masters degrees and phds, so I am apt to believe that they know what they are doing. Do I expect people to just have blind trust in what they do? Of course not, there needs to be some regulations, but they should not have to limit what they learn simply because the rest of us do not understand.

In order to win over the masses and gain their trust two things need to be done. First, w...

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.... For example, thousands of people die from lung cancer caused by smoking. It is horrible that people have to suffer from this disease, but it is something that they did to themselves. Is it science's fault that these people die? I'm sure scientists would like to find a cure, but it would help if society would work on preventing this disease in the first place.

There are many reasons why science is looked upon as scary or untrustworthy, but the fact of the matter is, science is beneficial to all of our lives. Without science we wouldn't understand the planet we live on,or the people we are. I like to think that the world is getting better, we are learning new things, and living longer than we ever have before, because of science. Why would we want to put a limit on how much better we can make our lives?

Works Cited:

Bishop, J. Michael. Enemies of Promise.

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