Science In Canada

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Science: The Key to Moving Canada Forward Imagine a world where a common cold means imminent death. Food is scarce and electricity didn’t exist. This would be the world without science. Scientific knowledge can improve the quality of life at many different levels — from the routine workings of our everyday lives to global issues. Despite this, Canada has been neglecting the importance of science and this has left humanity and the Earth severely affected. The government of Canada needs to recognize the significance of scientific inquiry, resulting in improving science at the federal level and breaking through traditional barriers in order for the country to move forward.
Research in science has lead to breakthroughs in various fields, increasing …show more content…

Society looks at religious and economic views first and foremost even when factual information points the other direction and this has had severe impacts on humanity. First of all, religion is looked at more importantly then science. For example, circumcision, a religious tradition among several faiths is still allowed, despite the danger and violation that comes with it. According to an article on the Toronto Star, “The pediatric society has long held that its risks – including pain to a small baby, bleeding and the chance of disfigurement of the penis – outweigh its benefits.” There are also numerous examples of babies dying due to circumcision in the past. Something as severe as this should not be as common as it is today. Governments should be taking action based on scientific evidence to limit or ban circumcision completely. Improving our laws based on facts, rather than vague ideas formulated thousands of years ago is what the country needs to move forward as a nation. In addition to religious precedence, financial gains are prioritized over scientific research. As a result, our earth is taking a massive toll. For example, the Alberta oil sands have been polluting the atmosphere, and murdering the wildlife of the existing ecosystems for years. According to an article on Maclean’s, Tim Flannery, Australia’s former head of climate commissions says Alberta should diversify its provincial economy and reduce its dependency on the oil sands in efforts to lower the impact its having on the environment. Environmental sustainability is vital to Canada’s future. Increases in carbon emissions have lead to the Earth overall temperature increasing by 2 degrees Celsius. If Canada wants to get past this environmental crisis, the government needs to listen to the facts, not the cash influx. Recognizing and acting on statistical evidence is the next step in

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