Comparing Alien And A Trip To The Moon

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What is Sci-fi
The genre of Sci-fi is an imaginative genre that delves into futuristic settings. The tropes of the genre regard to space travel, exploration of unknown worlds and time travel. Earth is usually the target of invasions and visitations from intergalactic beings, also the exploration of dystopia and utopian societies on earth centuries after the one we live in now.

The Two Movies
The chosen movies are Alien by Ridley Scott and A Trip to the Moon by Georges Melies. Alien in 1979 is an integration of sci-fi and horror which tells the story of a crew who must survive as a strange unhuman encounter terrorises the ship and hunts down each member one by one.
It introduces the rising star and appropriately titled “Queen of Sci-fi” Sigourney Weaver who is casted as the sole survivor, Ripley and the late and great John Hurt as Kane who acts out this iconic scene. [Alien …show more content…

Melies worked passionately in cinema and pioneered techniques which would, in later years be used by future film directors.
He was the first to use storyboards; a sequence of hand drawn shots with a description of the scene to show the story throughout. The director also invented, substitution spices, multiple exposures, time lapse photography and dissolves.
Melies experimented with sci-fi and fantasy, his most iconic movie being A Trip to The Moon will be spoken more throughout.
Historical Context can provide any director a sense of inspiration for a story when it comes to the creation of films.
Directed in 1902, 'Le voyage dans la lune' (A Trip to the Moon) came to cinemas directed by Georges Méliès.
During 19th century Georges Méliès creates a new form of special effects and introduced the story board which will later change the world of cinema.
1914-1918 The Great War (World War One).
1929-1939 The Great

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