School Uniforms Persuasive Essay

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What if you did not have to worry about what you wear every day? School uniforms have been under discussion and have become an argumentative topic in all schools. Research has shown varied results in the performance of students who wear and do not wear uniforms. School uniforms should be required in all schools because they improve behavior and they save time as well as money.
“A uniform policy is different from a dress code. A dress code outlines the dos and don’ts of daily dress. A uniform policy dictates that students wear the same style and color shirts and pants or skirts” (Esack). The trend of uniforms is more than just a few schools here and there. Uniform policies are not just restricted to certain areas; it has become a national occurrence. Approximately one-fifth of schools have something resembling a uniform (Prill, Cride, Purdy, and Troianello). “Uniform policies are generally more likely to be found in schools with large numbers of low-income and/or minority students” (Proquest Staff).
“Although 90 percent of the students surveyed indicated they did not like wearing uniforms, various benefits to wearing uniforms were reported, including decreases in discipline, gang involvement and bullying, and increases in safety, ease of going to school, confidence and self-esteem.” During the first year that school uniforms were put into action, discipline referrals declined by approximately ten percent at Sparks Middle School. Issues such as gang affiliation, fights, and vandalism also dwindled. At Sparks Middle School it has been reported that gang involvement has declined by forty-one percent since requiring uniforms for all the students. Police reports also went down sixty-three percent since the school uniform policy was p...

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... precise style and color by administrators. Uniforms can come in an assortment; students can create multiple outfits out of the required colors (Edelhart). Students can still express themselves through clubs, sports, and how they arrange their uniform.
Due to improved behavior and saved time and money school uniforms should be mandated nationwide. School uniforms are important because it practices equality as well as instills discipline. Even though there is not any completely accurate data to support the benefits of a uniform policy. Numerous educators and students still endorse the use of uniform policies, for they believe that schools can truly benefit from them (Prill, Cride, Purdy, and Troianello). School uniforms have become a hot topic and are spreading throughout the nation, so people should keep an eye out; they never know if their school district is next.

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