School Uniforms

1967 Words4 Pages

There have been a lot of people in the United States debating on whether or not wearing school uniforms since centuries ago. In the United States, most public schools do not require to wear uniforms. However, students are required to wear uniforms in private schools. While in most of the countries, either in a public or private school, require to wear uniforms. They even have summer and winter uniforms according to the weather. There are some pros and cons of wearing uniforms. Most of the people think that wearing uniforms can help student decrease the rate of gang activity, and behave well in school. However, some of the parents think that wearing the uniform do not have their children’s individual rights. Some of the students think it suffocated to wear the uniforms. The down-sides are the expenses of buying uniforms for poor people, and violating freedom of expression. However, the students should wear school uniform because it helps prevent gangs from forming on campus, encourage discipline, improve the learning skills. The rate of gang activity in school reduces for wearing the school uniforms. It encourages some schools to wear uniforms. The decrease in forming gang activity makes students increase school safety. Since 1994, 83,000 students required its elementary and middle schools to wear uniforms (Portner 1). With emergence of 56 Elementary and 14 middle schools in fall 1994, (Prepositional Phrase) the fights between students have declined. From 1994 to 1995, the rate of assaults and battery cases, physical fights, suspension in grades K-8 had decreased by 34 percent, 51 percent, 32 percent respectively (Portner 1). Influenced by the policy, (Participial Phrase/Past tense) many Long Beach students wore black and blue pa... ... middle of paper ... ...n will improve on student’s successes. It also helps from building gangster group when they wearing the uniforms because people would notice which school they go when they see them on the street. Over the fashion clothes, students do not need to compare each other for the famous brands. They don’t need to think what to wear every day. However, some of the parents still think it did not have their child individual’s right and support the uniform policy. People do not notice that school uniform is a lot more convenient than having the dress code policy. Even the courts are more support the school uniform than dress code policy. The dress code policy has a lot of rules to obey in contrast the uniform just have to wear what kind clothes schools provide. Wearing the school uniforms, make students stay more disciplined and focus in their studies and feels less pressure.

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