School Lunches Essay

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School Lunches

4 out of every 5 schools in the United States do not meet the current USDA standards in place for the fat composition that is included in the student lunches.(Vittana) Even though the country is trying to get students healthy lunches, not all are meeting the criteria for school lunches. But that is because not all schools can afford having to buy fresh food. All schools should meet the standard so schools should try to make their lunches as healthy as possible.
School lunches affect the students school work and the grades, due to the unhealthy lunches at school. Without the students getting the right nutrition needed, they do not meet the academic expectations. The teachers expect the students to perform well in school especially through the year. “Without good food, students are just stressed out with school, and then still stressed about being encouraged to perform good as well” (Anderson). When students get the proper nutrition it can help them avoid bad behavior that would require getting detention, suspension or even expulsion(Anderson). School lunches could also affect the grades the students receive because they lack the nutrition they need. “Studies have shown that students grades went up when they are eating healthier”(Anderson). If schools had healthier lunches it would help raise their grades by 4% because with the food needed to have focus and energy to do …show more content…

Web. Feb 4, 2018. Fisk, Michelle. “What Are the Benefits of Healthy School Lunches?” Live Strong. Live Strong. Oct 3, 2017. Web. Feb 20, 2018.

“The Impact of School Lunches on Students Performance” Healthy Body Healthy Mind. CampbellsVille University. CampbellsVille University, Dec 6, 2017. Web. Feb 14, 2018.

Anderson, Melinda. “Do Healthy Lunches Improve Students Test Scores?” The Atlantic. The Atlantic, Mar 22, 2017. Web. Feb 14,

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