School Lockers Persuasive Essay

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The gear required to equip today's student is getting bigger. But the school locker, that shrine to adolescent personal space, is not. I believe that school lockers are too small for 8th graders at Templeton middle school. It is unfair that the 6th and 7th graders get bigger lockers than us. We have more stuff because we are getting ready for high school.I believe it is right to declare for 8th graders to get bigger lockers or move the 7th and 6th graders done to where we are.

As 8th graders are responsibilities are to be prepared from class, not to be late and do all of your homework.But it's hard to do some of that stuff because the lockers are too small, and also they are very hard to get open, unlike the 6th and 7th-grade lockers. …show more content…

They make you use all of your strength to get them open.

The lockers are too close together so when you are trying to get your stuff you can't get through people. Also walking down the hallway you usually get it with a backpack or someone's stuff.

The list of supplies for school students is getting bigger and bigger but the school lockers are getting smaller and smaller. How do teachers expect us, students, to fit everything in there, with our jackets and backpacks?

Some kids at Templeton including me say they can't even bring their winter jackets because they don't fit in the lockers. Also putting the backpack back in the locker is a huge struggle for me and others. Everyday I complain about how these lockers are too small.

They always jam and I have to kick it to get it unstuck, they can't fit all of my stuff I have to kick it to close it half of the time.

Some actions I'm taking to make these 8th-grade lockers a TMS bigger is to talk to the principal about switching 6th and 7th with 8th-grade lockers. Also, talking to teachers about giving us less stuff to buy for school so we can fit the things we actually need in our lockers.

Signed by ORDER and in BEHALF of JESSICA

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