School Is Boring Research Paper

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“School is boring.”
“What school teaches is useless.”
These are some negative comments students have. As school may be boring, it is not a waste of time. This essay will prove why you should stay in school. First of all, an education provides more job opportunities, it instills a good work ethic and school will prepare you for life.

In today’s world, it’s difficult to get employed. It’s difficult enough to find a job with a diploma. Imagine, applying for a job without a diploma, you will be behind everyone else. Not to mention, the amount of jobs you will be able to apply to without a diploma. Without an education, you will only be accepted to low wage jobs. The salary you make with a low wage jobs will not be able to support a family. With …show more content…

School will teach you that there is no substitute for hard work. Teachers know that there are some students more gifted than others, but even the gifted students will not achieve much if they are lazy. “The only time a lazy man succeeds is when he tries to do nothing.” - Evan Esar.
Achieving anything is nearly impossible when you are not willing to work hard. You don’t get what you wish for, you get what you work for. School demonstrates that hard work pays off. The work you receive will not finish itself. You will learn about consistency. Finishing one task and failing to do the other is not completing the job. You will find that out when you fail one of your classes. School instills in you that consistency is a key to success. As you can see, school will teach you how to work hard and make you a hard …show more content…

It will provide you with the tools you’ll need in the real world. Aspects that are present in the real world are found at school as well. Take deadlines for example. School is not the only place that has deadlines. Your future job is guaranteed to have deadlines. Having deadlines at school disciplines you to honour deadlines. Going to school will educate you on cooperation. Have you ever been assigned a group project with people who aren’t your friends? These things are bound to happen. When you have a job, there are going to be times where you have to work with people you dislike. School is a good place to develop the understanding that you don’t need to like someone to get along with them, all you need is respect. “The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values.” - William S. Burroughs. In addition, school will teach you to not be late. Having your teacher lecture you about being early is annoying but what’s worse is getting fired by your boss for constantly being late. School will also help you cope with stress. With all the work you have and other extra activities you have going on in your life, you are going to feel stress. Stress is something everyone experiences, no matter what age you are. By the time you have completed your education, you would have developed coping strategies for stress. For these reasons, school will get you ready for the real

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