Scholorship Needed

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There is this college scholorship that I will be applying for but the problem is that there are nine other students applying for this college scholorship and only one can get it. I am applying for a sports medicine scholorship at Texas A&M in the next two years after my senior year. Now I don't how I am going to beat all nine of my other peers for this scholorship but I will be trying my hardest to get this scholorship.

Now this scholorship will be a college scholorship in the field of sports medicine and it will be for the University of Texas A&M and will be starting in the year of 2016 as a four year scholorship that is equal to eight semesters. Sports medicine is catagorized in the medical field and what these people do is subscribe medicine and other medical products to athleted in all sports and all ranges NFL (National Football League), High school, and etc. These sports medicine doctors make lots of money about 200,682 a year now thats a lot for a doctor I think. I need this scholorship and I will do anything to get it. I need it because I didn't make the grades in high s...

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