Schizophrenia In Farenheit 451

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Being that he is schizophrenia, he can not just leave the dead body where it is. Instead he creates a magnificent plan that was so well thought out. He starts cutting parts of the old man’s body off. To hide all the body parts, he places and spreads them beneath his floor so cleverly. When reading this I wondered where all the blood would have gone, but he had already thought about that. He says, “There was nothing to wash out- no stain of any kind- no blood-spot whatever. I had been too wary for that. A tub had caught all- ha! ha!” (Bedford 1189). People with schizophrenia tend to be very smart and think of everything that they possibly can because they worry too much. It was four in the morning when he had finished all of his duties. There …show more content…

He told the policeman that the old man was somewhere out in the country doing who knows what. He took them to the old man’s room to show them that nothing of his property had been touched. He had brought in some chairs to the room for the policeman to sit and rest. The narrator says, “...placed my own seat upon the very spot beneath which reposed the corpse of the victim” (Bedford 1189). Who in their right mind would have the guts to talk to the authorities, sitting right above the person that they just killed, and just talk about random things as if nothing had ever happened? I for sure know that I could not do that. Things were not so perfect after all because, “No doubt I now grew very pale;- but I talked more fluently, and with a heightened voice” (Bedford 1189). People with the disease schizophrenia, tend to talk very fast either because they are nervous or paranoid. They start to hear things in there mind that others do not hear. He says, “It was a low, dull, quick sound- much such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton, I gasped for breath…” (Bedford 1189). No one really thinks about a watch being inside of a cotton …show more content…

The main supernatural event in the story is how the narrator hears the old man’s heartbeat through the floor, even though the old man is dead. It is just really scary in general and it has you on the edge of your seat. It does give you the chills when you read this. The narrator’s personality is very important to the actions of the tale because since they both have schizophrenia, they both share similar qualities. Yes, the use of this narrator does make the story’s event seem more credible because I see them as the same person. You can not have a narrator who has schizophrenia narrate a character who does not have schizophrenia because then the story would not be that interesting. Even though it seems like something like this could never happen in real life, sometimes similar crazy things do actually happen like this in the world. The “Tale-Tell Heart” was my favorite short story by Edgar Allan Poe and I enjoyed every aspect of the

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