Schizophrenia Does Not Make A Person Crazy Essay

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Schizophrenia does not make a person crazy, it does not make an individual a threat to society, and it does not need to prevent someone from living a happy, healthy, and productive life, but it can. Growing up, I would visit my aunt who struggles with schizophrenia and who had gone untreated her whole life. She has always lived with my grandma and I remember seeing how easily she became agitated with my grandma, I recall hearing her talk to herself, and I remember how hard it was to get a point across to her. Recently, my aunt decided to take the steps to manage her symptoms so that she can become more independent. Through this, I have seen that there are tools to manage symptoms and that schizophrenia does not define who a person is. Although there is no cure, people with this condition can still have fulfilling lives if symptoms are managed, if properly treated, and if they have consistent …show more content…

Symptoms may slowly develop over months, or they may appear abruptly depending on the type of schizophrenia the person is experiencing. The three different types of schizophrenia are positive, negative and cognitive. Positive symptoms tend to add on to an individual’s personality. For example, a person with positive schizophrenia may experience hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech. As opposed to the positive symptoms, negative symptoms take away from a person’s normal behavior. This person would start isolating themselves, showing a lack of interest and motivation, and becoming emotionally flat. Lastly, cognitive symptoms have to do with a person’s memory and the symptoms can either be minor or very obvious. The individual would have issues learning information, applying that information to everyday life and focusing. Fortunately, there are tools that a schizophrenic person can use to overcome some of these mental

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