Scars And Wounds In The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini

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Your Scars and Wounds are pieces of evidence that show you are human. Your wounds and scars leave much more than a mark, it leaves a story. A story that can build you as a person, or in the least bit, change the person who suffered the extent of an injury. In The Kite Runner, the motif that stands out from the first chapter to the last, and reoccurs from chapter to chapter is the wounds and scars that all the characters have the shape the book for what it is. In The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini, wounds are a part of most characters and affect their everyday life. These wounds and scars help characterize each character and show what type of person each character is. In the book, one of Hassan’s wounds is the memories of being raped. Hassan stood up for Amir against Assef in the alley which led to Hassan being raped, and then created the distance between him and Amir. Hassan’s rape is the story shows his true strength among other things like courage and the fact that he would do anything for Amir and never say no. As a result of Hassan’s rape, it can be concluded …show more content…

He is seen as a good man building an orphanage and wrestling “a black bear in Baluchistan with his bare hands.”(Hosseini 12) leaving scars on his back. Even though Baba’s move to America meant he must leave his title “Toopha Agah” or “Mr. Hurricane” (Hosseini 12) in Kabul, Afghanistan, it does not mean that he must leave his kind heart there as well. During Baba’s time in America, he continued his kind hearted acts like spending his whole life savings on Amir’s wedding to Soraya, and refusing food stamps and treatment for cancer. Because it is known that Baba is a kind hearted man, it is not surprising at all that he would fight off a black bear, and those couple scars on his back are just a couple pieces of evidence to show that “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll

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