Scarlet Letter Pearl's Purity

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Nathaniel Hawthorne has written, The Scarlet Letter about Hester committing a sin to her purity. Hawthorne has viewed Pearl as a treasure, although she is a treasure to her mother she is also a burden to her because she was born illegitimate. Pearl grows up to be intelligent and Hester thought she was going to become articulate; Pearl is bold for accepting her mother and for this reason Hester thinks she does not deserve her as a daughter for the pain she has brought for being an adulterous. Hester later realizes that Pearl becomes an important division of her life because Hester realizes she is able to live without her husband and Dimmesdale. Hester raises Pearl as if she was an ordinary girl, she becomes bright and awaits for the future of her and Hester. Hester does not want to continue living with the hatred of being an adulterous she wants to banish herself from the city, but there was one thing that …show more content…

She wants to grow up as the other children in the village having two parents to look up to. Pearl is growing up and Hester describes her as “the brightest little jet of flame that ever danced upon this earth (90), Pearl is vividly showing her emotions by the way she talks and the way she smiles. Hester is able to express she does not need a man to be happy, but with her child. She can now see that Pearl is not the articulate girl she expected to raise but the opposite; Pearl becomes the bright little star that enlights Hester’s sin and for this reason she values her. Pearl and Hester have a miscommunication because she is a young girl who is not able to understand complication in life, but she will later realize the problem her mother had committed. Pearl is supposed to be that outcast child but overcomes the obstacle by expressing her

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