Saying Farewell To A Faithful Pal Analysis

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Dogs Are The Best Pets You Could Have A dog is the best pet you could ever get, and there’s no better pet. There are almost endless possibilities of why dogs are the best pet. Either way a new experience can make a person change; sometimes the change is positive, either way there's no avoiding change. Dogs are loving, unpredictable, and helpful. In the article, Saying Farewell To a Faithful Pal, by John Grogan, he discusses how Marly was loving when his family was going through some hard times. The author expressed how loving Marly was to the baby because the text said, “And when the babies finally arrived, he somehow understood they were something special and let them climb all over him, tugging his ears and pulling out little fistfuls of fur (John, p 150, pp 11).” Marley was kind and joyful toward the babies by letting them do things to him. Marley’s owners were changed in an even more positive way because they noticed how loving and understanding Marly was. This impacted the author because it taught him about friendship, selflessness and loyalty. Animals can be both loving and loyal. …show more content…

In this story, a dog named Charlie taught that you can't always predict things even if you know them very well. At first the owner said, “Sir, I said this is a unique dog. He does not live by tooth or fang. He respects the rights of cats, although he doesn't admire them. He turns his steps rather than disturb a caterpillar (Steinbeck, p 145, pp 6).” This impacted him because later in the story it said, “I saw a bear beside the road, and it ambled out as though to flag me down. Instantly a change came over Charlie. He shrieked, snarled and screamed (Steinbeck, p 146, pp11).” This taught the author that changes are sometimes

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