Saving Money Analysis

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Another way to accidentally ruin a person's life is to become so obsessed with saving money that one forgets to invest in the life that is quickly passing them by. You can not let life pass you by and get so consumed with greed. There is an elder woman in our small town who has ruined her life by saving money and not spending a dime on anything. Bertha Small was 74 years old and will not retire because she was so consumed with obtaining money in her bank account. She has lived all her life focused on money, she will not go out to eat because it will cost her money. She has a old beat up car just so she would save gas money; she has let the greed of money rule her life. She has went to extreme to save this money. Which she is probably going …show more content…

She is a 20 year old college graduate that just got her first career job she worked very hard through college and graduated top of her class. She is an account so she is very good at budgeting money she already has had many jobs want her to work for them. She works for a major law firm in new york making a lot of money. Charlie hates to spend her money she saves every penny she earns. Her dream is to retire and travel the world so she saves all her money so when she gets old she will have great retirement; But Charlie is too obsessed with saving her money. She never goes out to eat or out with her friends. When she goes grocery shopping she only buys offbrand to save every penny. She does not own a vehicle and only walks everywhere she goes she will not even take the bus on her 2 mile walk to work even on rainy days. She has only two pairs of nice close and a tiny apartment so she can save everything she has. Another way to accidentally ruin a person's life is to become so obsessed with saving money that one forgets to invest in the life that is quickly passing them by. These are all ways people has let money and greed ruin there lives. You can not let money rule your world live spend the money you worked hard

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