Saving Endangered Languages

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Rita Brown spoke words of knowledge when saying, “Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people came from and where they are going.” On average, there are some 6000 languages spoken in the world today, but some 500-1000 of those are only spoken by a select group of people and are considered endangered. At a rate of 25 mother tongues being lost per year, this alarmed many governments that have decided to take a stand again this grave loss for the world ("Are Dying Languages worth Saving?"). Even though the popular belief is that it is not important to continue to learn endangered languages because it causes a barrier between people, societies around the world should work to preserve endangered languages because without the ability to translate a language, we lose the ability for later generations to study their history and language is the culture of a country or group of people and should continue to be kept alive.
History is an important part of the education system around the world. It is in human nature and has become nearly a sign of respect to learn what...

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