Satire On Coffee And Coffee

720 Words2 Pages

Satire’s Brew, Mass Media & Coffee Beans uses coffee as a way to create a storyline and connect that storyline with actual lectures that educate the reader on different forms and aspects of satire. Using coffee as a device to drive and aid the story throughout the book is an interesting method of writing. As a matter of fact, making a textbook that has any story at all and is easy and entertaining to read, while still being educational and providing valuable information to the reader is an interesting feat that I’ve never seen any author attempt.
Making the main character addicted to coffee instead of something else, such as tea, desserts, alcohol etc., allowed the reader to connect more with the story and it gave the story some flavor. Coffee addiction is a typical thing among New Yorkers. There’s that stereotype of the busy New Yorker running around town with their cup of coffee or those people who can’t function without having a cup of coffee, much like our main character[1]. Using coffee for Satire’s Brew was a good choice because that allowed the main character to use coffee as an excuse to meet with people, such as Olli[2] , and it connected well with a lot of the lectures.
I think Professor Dunphy used coffee as the character’s beverage of choice for a number of reasons. First, coffee is easily accessible at many place and at any time of the day. Coffee is also more socially acceptable, generally speaking, rather than alcohol and there’s a bit of a stereotype that people who drink a lot of coffee are hard working and busy. Another thing is that more people can relate to coffee more than anything else. Even if someone doesn’t drink coffee, they’re well aware of the culture surrounding it and the aromas, flavors, etc. Coffee...

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...r aftertaste is similar to the Juvenalian style of satire because after you’ve read, watched or listened to whatever is being satirized, there is a sort of bitterness that reminds you and gets you thinking again about the issue discussed in the work of satire for a while after you’ve finished reading about it.
After trying to connect a type or flavor of coffee with a lecture, it becomes more evident that coffee was the perfect choice for Satire’s Brew. There are so many flavors of coffee and so many different types; from sweet and light to dark and bitter, there’s really a flavor for any type of lecture or situation, which is not the case with most things, like other foods or beverages. While there are some items that are as varied in flavor and type as coffee is, coffee seems to be the best option because it is familiar to everyone and most people can relate to it.

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