Satire In The Simpsons

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The Simpsons is a long running series; With 28 season The Simpsons has covered a plethora of topics.For instance, In “Girl Code” the tenth episode of the twenty-seventh season Lisa creates an artificial intelligence (AI) program to help people make decisions. The episode uses satire here to show how people rely on technology to the point of it running their lives, but this is not the only use of satire to jokingly call society out in this episode. Think of when homer is speaking to Lisa about her programming saying, “I hate the modern world and all its crazy words. Siri, tell Amazon to drone me a beer.” to which a drone immediately pops from around the corner and gives homer a can of duff beer. Homer saying this with such an outcome shows how …show more content…

More of this satire can be found when homer is in his office in the nuclear plant and marge walks in, homer, being the satirical delivery boy he says “the power plant does not inspect itself”. To which the auto inspector begins to run. Using dialogue with a follow up like this fits the formula of many of the satirical moments of the episode, but the moment itself is calling attention to how human jobs are slowly being replaced mechanically and that how many people don't recognize machinery as a threat to their jobs. Homer has taken enough flak to this point so I will switch my focus to the Watson rip off, Conrad. Conrad is an AI created by a team of programmers spearheaded by Lisa's programming teacher. Watson is used to answer questions. Much like Watson, Conrad speaks in a British accent. Conrad is used to ironically to show how if a computer had emotions it would not efficient like a computer. This is the opposite of Watson who is programmed to sound like he has emotion.Conrad is also used a bit to deliver some criticisms on our society saying “Your species is on the precipice of turning into complete and utter wankers”. I'm not sure if this is irony so I

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