Sas Institute Employee Relations Essay

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SAS Institute Employee Relations When it comes to employee relations, there are a multitude of approaches a company can take. Some companies struggle to maintain healthy and successful relationships with employees, while others are praised for possessing company culture and dynamics workers strive to participate in. SAS Institute, an American based global software analytics developer, is one company held in high regard when it comes to employee relations. Overall, SAS Institute attributes their success with employee relations to the four overarching factors referred to as job performance, organizational citizenship, absenteeism, and turnover (Carpenter, Bauer, Erdrogan, 2010). The first factor to consider when reflecting on the success of …show more content…

In short, organizational citizenship can be described as reciprocity among employees for the betterment of the company. To encourage organizational citizenship, SAS Institute utilizes an array of employee perks which are determined through the use of employee satisfaction surveys. Clearly, the careful thought and planning behind SAS Institute motivational perks works to minimize employee stress and therefore deems the company a worthwhile employer (Carpenter, Bauer, Erdrogan, …show more content…

Simply stated, turnover refers to the rate of employees departing from an organization. At SAS Institute, the turnover rate is approximately 4%, which is 16% below the average for the industry. Such low turnover is attributed to a few factors including the clear communication from company leadership that employee layoffs will not occur, which creates a sense of employee appreciation and job security which is difficult to find in the industry. Without a doubt, low turnover and job security are critical components of SAS Institute’s highly regarded employee practices (Crowley,

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