Sandbar Creative Writing

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The ocean reflected the sun high in the sky while its waves tried to cover the sandbar. The nearest island was a small smudge on the horizon. The sandbar was only 10 yards long and width wasn’t very long but it was perfect for snorkeling. The water around the sandbar slowly got deeper until there was a huge drop-off with a reef below.
I breathed in the air, tasting the saltiness of it and listened to the cry of seagulls. This is perfect, I thought but one part of me kept on nagging, it would better if you weren’t afraid of snorkeling. Sighing, I thought to myself, whoa. Thanks for ruining the moment, Jazmyn.
“Jazz, help me tie up the boat! Your good-for-nothing brother just ran off.” My cousin, Skylar yelled.
“Sure.” I yelled back and ran over …show more content…

My cousin is a very pretty, black-haired twenty-two year old that has a great sense of humor, loves to go on adventures, and becomes friends with everyone. She had taken my brother, Ryan and I out snorkeling since my uncle rented a boat for the duration of the family trip.
Skylar and I finished tying the boat down when Ryan came out of nowhere decked out in snorkeling gear.
“Where were you?!” Skylar and I panted while collapsing on the sand. We had never tied a boat down until then, so it was incredibly hard and tiring.
“I said I was going snorkeling and if you need my help to come and get me.” He …show more content…

I used to be so good at it before… I took a deep breath and determinedly said “Okay, Ryan. Let’s do this thing.”
Skylar smiled and handed me my snorkeling gear. I quickly put on the goggles and flippers on and waddled to the water, but before I even reached the water my throat seized up and I had to back out. No! No! No! I thought as I tore off my goggles and flippers. I put my head in my arms and tried to control my breathing.
“Are you okay, Jazz?” Ryan and Ashlee worriedly asked as they shook my shoulders. I feebly nodded and said “You guys are terrible at seeing if someone is okay.”
They chuckled and Ryan asked, knowing that I would want to try again, “Come on. Let’s try this again.”
I smiled weakly at him and put my goggles back on. Skylar gave me an encouraging smile and put the flippers back in the boat. Ryan pulled me up and guided me into the water.
“Remember, Jazz. Stay calm and always breathe out hard so if any water gets into your tube it will get out. Just breathe.” Ryan counseled as we walked until the water was up to my shoulders.
I nodded and put the mouth piece in my mouth. I practiced breathing through the mouthpiece, then I went

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