Samuel Gompers: The Co-Founder Of The American Federation Of Labor

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A negative force leading to economic separation and inessential laws that stifled businesses and inhibited job growth from 1865 to 1940, was the development of labor unions. Every wage -worker should belong to the calling or trade of his union (Gompers, S. 1914). Samuel Gompers, who is the co-founder of the American Federation of Labor, served as the president until 1924 (Gompers, S. 1914). Gompers co-founded this organization in 1886. The United States did not properly declare war until the year 1917, even though World War I was soon to begin in Europe (Gompers, S. 1914). The industrial revolution caused American workers lean more towards working in retail and factories (Schultz, 2018, p. 310). Corporations began to take over and family businesses

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